Wednesday, May 15, 2013


So I have changed my diet from juicing to a vegan diet. Its definitely just as hard. My grandma just made chicken salad and I want some so bad!

I just made the best juice thus far......

And I'm craving these damn cookies.. my dad just brought them home and I really wanna eat these bad boys.... ugh.

Monday, May 13, 2013

End of day 1

Looks like I made it through day one of no solid foods. It was a little touch and go but I managed to go through with it.. I hope it gets easier. I did learn that I should bring extra juice with me just in case..


So its been about 16-17 hours since I've had any solid foods.. I just walked into work and they are making cookies.. THE MONSTERS!! Anyways. I've realized I only feel hungry when I think about being hungry. Check back in a few hours

First time!

So today is the first morning of my cleanse and this is my breakfast. Its definitely way better tasting then I thought it would be. If anyone wants the recipie just let me know..

Sunday, May 12, 2013

First real post

So if i were you, and I were interested in what's going on, I would check back often because I'm not sure how frequent I will be posting on here.. Anyways, I am roughly one hour away from no solid foods and I'm starting to get a little nervous.. I have no idea why I'm still up.. I guess this cleanse is more nerve racking then I thought it would be..... I've said this before.. drinking nothing but juice and water doesn't seem to pose the problems, but the temptation of eating food when people around me are eating..... I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we get there.
This is the night before i start my juicing fast. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. It's supposed to be a difficult but rewarding experience. For the next 15 days i will intake nothing but freshly made juices, water, and unsweetened tea. I started this blog so I have something to keep me honest. Every time I feel like I need someone to talk to and every time I have the urge to eat and break my fast I am going to upload a vlog or just post on here. A little bit of background on me. I am a 22 year old college student and currently weigh 282 pounds. I've been trying to get in shape for a while and after watching Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, I figured this was worth a shot. Well I'll catch up with you later.